4. Chewy Red Velvet Cookies. These cookies are chewy and not too sweet to eat! Soft, chewy red velvet cookies with cream cheese filling! Easy, from-scratch cookies with true Southern red velvet flavor!
Red Velvet Cookies - these are perfectly soft and chewy, gorgeously red and dotted with creamy vanilla chocolate chips.
A perfect cookie for Christmas Red velvet to me is a combination of vanilla and chocolate, one shouldn't really overpower the other.
That's why when I make red velvet recipes.
Catat resepnya dulu ya. Jadi ternyata memasak 4. Chewy Red Velvet Cookies yang lezat ini hanya butuh 16 bahan dan dalam 6 langkah saja bun. Mudah sekali ya. Mari segera menyiapkan 4. Chewy Red Velvet Cookies.
Bahan-bahan yang diperlukan untuk membuat 4. Chewy Red Velvet Cookies
- Ambil Bahan A (aduk rata):.
- Siapkan 198 gr tepung protein sedang.
- Ambil 20 gr coklat bubuk (saya pakai Van Houten).
- Diperlukan 1/4 sdt garam.
- Ambil 1 sdt baking powder.
- Diperlukan Bahan B:.
- Siapkan 115 gr salted butter (saya pakai Anchor atau Elle&Vire).
- Ambil 140 gr gula pasir (saya pakai 100 gr aja).
- Ambil 50 gr brown sugar/palm sugar.
- Siapkan Bahan C:.
- Diperlukan 1 sdt susu cair (saya pakai Ultra Milk).
- Siapkan 2 sdt pasta vanilla.
- Siapkan 2 sdt pewarna merah (saya pakai pewarna Red Velvet).
- Siapkan 1 butir telur.
- Ambil Bahan D:.
- Ambil 160 gr chocochips (ada beberapa adonan sy tambah marshmallow).
Soft, chewy and ultra rich, these gooey Red Velvet Cookies are a red velvet lover's dream! You'll be surprised at how fantastic and easy these unforgettable cookies are to whip up, and how they're even easier to eat! They come out soft and chewy every time for the perfect snack! These pretty cookies take just minutes to prep and are great for Christmas or Valentines day!
Berikut cara memasak: 4. Chewy Red Velvet Cookies
- Mixer bahan B selama 2-3 menit dengan mixer speed sedang sampai creamy..
- Turunkan mixer ke speed rendah, masukkan Bahan C dan mixer sampai rata..
- Matikan mixer, masukkan Bahan A aduk rata pakai spatula kayu (krn agak berat adonannya). Lalu masukkan Bahan D dan aduk sampai rata..
- Masukkan adonan pakai cling wrap minimal 1 malam di kulkas biasa (bukan freezer ya)..
- Saat akan memanggang, panaskan oven 170°C. Bulat2 kan adonan dalam keadaan dingin dari kulkas dalam ukuran agak besar supaya terasa chewy nya. Saya buat 1 adonan super besar hasilnya sebesar telapak tangan 😅 Kalau ingin ada coklat lumer2 di tengahnya, selipkan DCC 1 kotak kecil ditengah adonan. Panggang selama 11-13 menit. Keluar oven cookies masih agak lembek, lama2 stabil..
- TIPS: Pakai coklat berwarna kemerahan spy cookies tidak terlalu gelap. Gula boleh pakai gula pasir saja kalau tdk ada palm sugar. Jangan ganti butter dengan margarin ya spy hasilnya bagus..
Red Velvet Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe. Ok - let's talk cookie baking. For this recipe, you'll start by whisking together the dry ingredients: all-purpose Red velvet has just a hint of cocoa to give it a very mild chocolate flavor. I like to use natural cocoa powder (as opposed to Dutch-process cocoa powder). Red velvet cake meets a soft-baked chocolate chip cookie today.