Resep: Jam mini Cookies Lezat

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Jam mini Cookies. These Pie Crust Mini Turnover Cookies with jam are an easy way to make dessert when you have a sweet tooth. The pie crust dough is rolled out, cut in small round shapes and filled with your favorite jam. My recipe is made more like a biscuit or cookie dough as opposed to a pastry but either is fine.

Jam mini Cookies Pinch off pieces of dough and press into the base of the muffin tin cups to make shells. For a variety of flavors I used orange marmalade strawberry and plum with star anise preserves for the filling. These pies are homemade cookie sandwiches that are filled with a dreamy marshmallow concoction.

Siapkan segera yuk bun. Jadi ternyata memasak Jam mini Cookies yang lezat ini hanya memakai 8 bahan dan dalam 4 langkah saja bun. Mudah sekali ya. Berikut cara memasak Jam mini Cookies.

Bahan-bahan yang diperlukan untuk membuat Jam mini Cookies

  1. Diperlukan Bahan adonan.
  2. Diperlukan 12 sendok makan tepung maizena.
  3. Diperlukan 3 sendok makan tepung terigu.
  4. Diperlukan 5 sendok makan margarin.
  5. Siapkan 4 sendok makan susu kental manis.
  6. Ambil Stngah sendok teh coklat bubuk.
  7. Siapkan Bahan filling.
  8. Diperlukan Selai / jam rasa tergantung selera (resep ini selai raspberry).

First you whip up the batter for the cookies that 's made with evaporated milk, butter, sugar, cocoa and a few other delicious ingredients. Drop the dough onto cookie sheets, bake, and slather the cookies with the marshmallow mixture. Roll into one-inch balls and place one inch apart on un-greased cookie sheet; With the end of a wooden spoon make a indention in the ball and fill with jam; I have used Variety of jams and jellies Raspberry being the best! but Apricot is yummmie too, along with apple, blackberry, blueberry the possibilities are endless. These thumbprints cookies are made in a mini muffin tin so they are a bit larger and easier to add jam too.

Langkah-langkah menyiapkan Jam mini Cookies

  1. Masukan seluruh bahan ke wadah untuk d aduk dengan spatula, bagi 2 adonan, adonan k 2 ditambahkan coklat bubuk dan d uleni kembali agar semua coklat merata k seluruh adonan.
  2. Bulatkan cookies dan tekan tengah cookies kemudian tambahkan selai di tengah nya sbg isian.
  3. Susun cookies yg sudah d bentuk d atas teflon dan panggang dengan api kecil,tutup teflon agar matang merata.
  4. Panggang cookies selama 20 menit dan cookies siap d sajikan.

Today I'm joining a Christmas cookie tour hosted by my friend Kristen of Ella Claire so be sure to check out all the other recipes at the end of this post. My first obsession started with cream pie cookie cups which had a cookie crust (similar to a pie), then a cookie cup, a mousse filling and then some sort of topping like whipped cream. These bite-sized mini pies make it difficult to stop after just one. Top each cookie center with a teaspoons or so of strawberry jam. Place cookie shape with cut-out center on top.